Mabuhay House Society Commends Canadian Federal Budget 2024's Commitment to Filipino Community Cultural Centre Funding

April 18, 2024

Vancouver, BC – Mabuhay House Society expresses its utmost excitement and gratitude with the Canadian Federal Government’s commitment to be a funding partner for the provincial Filipino cultural centre in British Columbia. This Budget 2024: Fairness for Every Generation marks a significant milestone in the journey towards enriching cultural diversity, inclusion, and fostering community within Canada.

With over 175,000 Filipinos living in BC, Mabuhay House Society recognizes the importance of having dedicated spaces that celebrate the vibrancy and richness of the Filipino community. This momentous commitment reflects a shared vision of inclusivity and unity, recognizing the invaluable contributions of Canadians of diverse Filipino heritage.

“I extend heartfelt appreciation to the Federal Government for recognizing the importance of cultural preservation and community empowerment.’ said, Sammie Jo Rumbaua, Board Chair of Mabuhay House Society. “This significant investment will not only provide a physical space for our community to flourish but also serve as a beacon of unity, fostering understanding and appreciation among all Canadians.” 

In March 2023, the BC Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport awarded Mabuhay House Society a $250,000 grant for capacity building to ensure there is a solid organization in the Filipino community to move the project forward. In January 2024, a statement of Unity for a provincial Filipino cultural centre and support for Mabuhay House Society as the provincial government’s partner, was signed by leaders of more than 80 organizations that represent a broad cross-section of our fast-growing Filipino-Canadian community in British Columbia. 

The provincial Filipino cultural centre will serve as a hub for cultural exchange, educational programs, and community events, fostering a sense of belonging and pride among Filipino-Canadians. Mabuhay House Society is committed to collaborating with all levels of government, federal, provincial and municipal, and other community partners to ensure the success and sustainability of the Filipino Community Cultural Centre. With each step forward, Mabuhay House Society reaffirms its collective commitment to building an inclusive, intercultural and intergenerational space that next generation of Filipino-Canadians and newcomers can call home.


About Mabuhay House Society
Established in 2021, Mabuhay House Society is a registered non-profit society working closely with the provincial government to develop a provincial Filipino cultural centre that will be an inclusive, intercultural, and intergenerational space that Filipino Canadians can call home, where everyone is welcome. Mabuhay House Society is paving the way for the Filipino connection and community to thrive in BC. Visit our website at

For more info:
Sammie Jo Rumbaua
Board Chair, Mabuhay House Society


Filipino Community Leaders Celebrate the Federal Funding Commitment for a Filipino Community Cultural Centre in BC


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