Vancouver Heritage Foundation is hosting its 8th Places That Matter Community Celebration and the Mabuhay House Society will be there. Get to play the “sunka,” a traditional Filipino board game similar to mancala, where players move shells or seeds across a wooden board with carved pits to collect the most pieces.
This event takes place on Sunday, February 23rd, 2025. The event takes place from 11 am until 3 pm at Heritage Hall (3102 Main Street).
About the Event
The Community Fair is focused on fostering community connections and building conversations with the public. All participating organizations are within the City of Vancouver and/or have a cultural/heritage/historical connection to the city.
The Community Fair takes place during Heritage Week - a week-long celebration that offers a chance to explore heritage across BC and Canada and take part in programming that provides opportunities to learn and share about Vancouver’s history, diverse cultural heritage and historic places and spaces.This year, we will celebrate the theme “Pastimes in Past Times” and invite you to dig deeper into how your community spends its leisure time. These activities help build the cultural fabric of our communities and shape the heritage of the place we call home.
February is Black History Month so we invite you to consider incorporating this as along with the Heritage Week theme. Places That Matter values the interconnected histories and experiences of Indigenous peoples and all settler communities who call this place home. We hope you can find ways to incorporate, acknowledge and highlight these perspectives in your table displays and shared resources and research.
For information on past Community Celebrations, please visit the Places That Matter Community Celebration Page.